Oil Spill In The Gulf of Mexico...

Oil Spill...

As most of must know there is an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the spill was estimated to begin on April 20,2010. The spill started after a drilling rig exploded and 11 of the workers are missing and they have been named dead. BP (the oil company) has tried many times to stop the spill and so far none have worked. The sea live is dying faster and faster each day and the oil is spreading just as fast; they oil is spreading so fast that sooner or later its going to reach the Atlantic ocean effecting not only the Gulf of Mexico but also Florida. If this oil spill reaches Florida it will destroy all of our beautiful beaches, and all of our precious wildlife. The pipe releasing the oil has been reported to have three leaks. The oil leaks are letting this oil out to fast asd if we don't do anything about it we can kiss our wildlife goodbye. The oil spill is hurting the Earth in a lot of ways and if we keep trying the same methods that don't work in the near future its going to become even more dangerous. The Earth should be the most important thing right now and so far we havn't shown how much we do care.